Waves of Mercy


Waves of mercy

Photo Credit: Pixabay


The seas are rough here this morning, the air cold and blustery.  I woke early, my last day of a short getaway to the coast. I love how the Lord meets me here in this place, how I can walk the beach and sing, releasing His sound.

I love how He plans every meeting, every encounter with His kids. Some of these kids are just getting to know Him. They’re not sure if they can trust the love of a Heavenly Father they haven’t seen or touched.  You know how we can be. We’re pretty sure He’s good to other people, but we don’t extend our hands or hearts to Him easily.  We’re not so convinced of His goodness to us. Today, He showed His goodness to a lovely woman and her husband.

I did my normal early FB posts, chatted with a couple of people I love, had some scrambled eggs, and talked with Rick at the front desk a bit.  After that, I headed to my room to change into my swimsuit for one last use of the pool, hot tub, steam room and sauna.

When I went back downstairs, there was a woman alone was alone in the pool. I was drawn to her. Her name was Susan, but I didn’t know that until later.

I stepped down into the pool, asking her how the water temperature was. She said she was enjoying it. She and her husband were here on a short vacation from eastern Oregon. They’re ranchers, and they aren’t able to get away often.  He was up their room, sick, she said, and he didn’t like it here. I grew up on a farm, too, so I could relate.  We talked about grass-fed versus corn-fed, healthcare, pre-existing conditions, the government, etc.

Conversation ebbed as she swam to the other side of the pool, did a few laps and got out.  She walked up the short flight of steps to the hot tub.  I felt a nudge to follow her, so I did. We commented on how good that hot water felt. I looked into her face, but I wasn’t sure what I was seeing. She was pretty, engaging, easy to talk with.

Suddenly out of the blue, I asked her, “Have you read, “The Shack?” Her face froze and she looked at me, ‘I can’t believe you just asked me that. Yes, I’ve read it, and I’m thinking about reading it again.”

I listened as she told me her story. Tears welled up in my eyes as I heard her tell of the death of one son at the age of 15. She and her family had spent time at so many of the places in that book i.e. Walla Walla Lake, Baker, St. Joseph, etc., and had so many memories. She did not tell me how this son died, and I did not ask.

She also told me about a close family friend, her husband’s best friend since childhood that had recently died. David, the friend, had been in an accident with a horse 12 years ago at the age of 53 that made him a full quadriplegic on a ventilator.  There was no facility on that side of the state that would take him in, so through very generous community members, they raised enough money to have an addition built on to David and Patty’s home.

Even more wonderful was that many people offered to care for him over the years.  A young woman from Portland had come to train those that were willing to give of their time and love to care for David in his home.  Two of those caregivers were instrumental in keeping others trained over the years.

As she talked, I sensed her husband Paul overcome by a spirit of grief for what his friend had endured, her over the loss of their son. I reached across the hot tub and took her hands in mine, and we prayed. I asked Father to break the spirit of grief off of them, to give them the oil of joy, to bless them, to enable them to enjoy their lives again.

She wiped her eyes and I wiped mine. I smiled at her and said, “You need to read that book again (The Shack), and then you need to write your own story.” As she was leaving the pool area, I asked her name.  It was Susan. Papa, thank you for Susan and Paul and their family, thank you for Patty and hers.  I ask you to bless them and restore them in the Name of Jesus.

Susan was in awe that Papa reached out to touch her here in this place. I was grateful for all the people He used to touch me this weekend: Tanya and Jeff in the Boardwalk Restaurant, the young man who cleaned my room, Rick and Michelle at the front desk, the couple on vacation from Zimbabwe that I met on the beach. Maybe there were more. God bless you all!

Do stay here at the Shilo Inn Oceanfront in Seaside, OR if you get a chance. You’ll be glad you did.

Our Aslan, He is not a tame lion, but He is good. This is my Narnia and I love it here!

With love from Portland,


(Copyright Laurie Hilgers 2014)

About withlovefromportland

Hey there! Welcome to my blog! I’m so glad you stopped by. I’m a 50-something woman living in the West Coast version of Narnia. The flora, fauna and people of Portland invite new adventures every day. I encourage you to plot our coordinates and visit this beautiful piece of the Earth. Creation is amazing here! You’ll also find a St. Arbuck’s or local coffee shop on nearly every corner. It rains here in winter. A lot. We like our coffee. As you read through my pages, I hope you find healing, hope and relationship with the One who radically loves and adores you. Some call Him Heavenly Father, others know Him as Daddy. You’ll find your own term of affection for Him if you don’t already have one. He’s shown me the depths of His love for me, yet I know it goes deeper than what I’ve explored. Every day is an opportunity for us to BE with Him, to love and be loved, to learn and grow, to heal and to help others heal. My intent is to encourage you to draw near to God. My prayer is that your heart is willing to let Him in. Once He’s in your heart, well, that’s when your story really begins. It’s when you begin to learn and experience who He is for you now and Who He wants to be in every circumstance you face in this life. Why does this matter, you ask? It matters because each of us was created in His likeness and image. It matters because He has given you gifts. It matters because He has given you a destiny to fulfill, lives to touch and heal, love to pour out into others. It matters most of all for you. You get to learn how beloved you are. You get to have an off-the-charts, one-of-a-kind amazing relationship with Daddy God, with Jesus and with Holy Spirit. You don’t buy it? You don’t think any of this is real? Okay. I’m good with that. I’m not here to convince you otherwise. I do, however, ask you to do this one thing of you: Ask God to make Himself more real to you than your own right hand in front of your face. That’s all. Then go about your life just like you did before you stopped by my blog. If you think of it, though, could you stop back some time to let me know how you’re doing? I’d like that. Again, I welcome you. Grab a cup of something comforting to drink and join me whenever you like. We need each other. With love from Portland
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